Lady Luck is a Hollywood comedy film, first released in 1946. The film stars Robert Young and Barbara Hale, and tells the story of a professional gambler who falls in love with a young lady who hates gambling. Lady Luck was directed by Edwin L. Marin and written by Herbert Clyde Lewis, Frank Fenton, and Lynn Root.
The Lady Luck Story
Lady Luck tells the story of Mary Audrey, who hates gambling. Her grandfather, William, affectionately called ‘Gramps’, is a gambler, and Mary makes him work in her Beverly Hills book store to keep him from his bad habits.
Larry Scott, a professional gambler, has a US $200 bet with Gramps, who cannot pay what he owes when Larry’s horse wins the race. All ends well, however, when Larry falls in love with Mary. He woos her, marries her, and takes her on a honeymoon to Las Vegas, all without revealing that he is actually a professional gambler.
Once Mary learns the truth, she files for divorce. In a plot to convince Mary that gambling is not all that bad, Scaramento Sam, a friend of Larry’s, comes up with a plan where Mary will win US $500 gambling by the house, with Larry and Sam covering the best NBA bets. However, Mary’s luck turns and she genuinely begins to win and will not quit. Larry and Sam go broke trying to cover her bets. Larry returns to Beverly Hills, where he finds Gramps running a bookie operation. Gramps and Larry head back to Vegas for one last game of poker. Gramps deliberately loses so Larry can win back all his money and try and win back Mary’s heart.
The Lady Luck Cast
Lady Luck stars Robert Young as Larry, Barbara Hale as Mary, Franky Morgan as Gramps, James Gleason as Scaramento Sam, and Douglas Morrow as Morgan.
Robert Young, born on the 22nd of February 1907, is best known for his leading roles as Jim Anderson, the father in Father Knows Best, which aired on both NBC and CBS, and the physician Marcus Welby in the ABC production of Marcus Welby, M.D. Young made over one hundred films, numerous television shows, and a whole range of commercials until his death on the 21st of July 1998.
Barbara Hale, born on the 18th of April in 1922, is best known for her role as the secretary Della Street, which she played in more than two hundred and seventy episodes of the Perry Mason television series. She also played this role in over thirty Perry Mason motion pictures made for television. Hale was recognised for her lifetime achievement with a Star of Television on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1960. She also won an Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Dramatic Series in 1959 and was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role by an Actor or Actress in a Series in 1961. In 2001, Hale was awarded a Golden Boot Award to recognise her contributions to cinema.